If you are looking to protect and secure your home, you have many different options, including security systems or protection dogs. If you are considering a German shepherd protection dog, learning the pros and cons associated with using one of these dogs to secure your home will help you decide if it is a good fit for you. Here are a couple of the pros and cons associated with using a German shepherd as a form of security for your home.
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One of the things you may want to do at some point is to get a dog. This can allow you to have a pet you care a great deal about and is sure to liven up your home and your life. One of the top breeds to consider is a German Shepard. This is a favorite breed, and there are numerous benefits of choosing this type of animal for your home.
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There is many a joke and cartoon about dogs attacking postal workers along their routes. However, it is not really a joke when a postal worker does encounter a dog that refuses to allow the postal worker to pass. Here are some of the typical complications that arise from this particular situation, and a very reasonable solution that you, as a postal worker, can use.
You Get Injured
If a customer's dog attacks you, you get injured.
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No matter how much you love your dog and think of it as family, you may need to board it at a kennel for a few days. Unfortunately, this can be very stressful and traumatic for your pet. You cannot explain to a dog that you are leaving for a few days but will be back and take it home with you again. However, there are things you can do that will make the whole experience less painful for everyone involved, including you.
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If you're like many people, you don't like the thought of leaving your canine companion behind when you travel for business or for pleasure. However, taking dogs on trips often isn't the best thing for them. For instance, pet friendly hotels usually specify that dogs are not to be left alone in the rooms, and this makes it difficult for owners to attend business meetings, go out for meals, or to do most of the other activities associated with travel.
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