Importance Of Obedience Training Your Dog
When you add a dog to your family, you want to make sure you do all you can to keep them as safe and healthy as possible. Part of doing these things can depend on having the dog trained in obedience. You can learn more about the reasons why obedience training is so important for your new family member in this article.
Your dog will be safe and healthier
Some of the things your dog will be taught during obedience training will help keep them safe. For example, your dog will learn to come when you call them. This can help prevent them from getting injured because you can call them when you see they're in danger. For example, if your dog is chasing a small animal, they could be led into traffic. When they're trained to come when you call them, they'll stop chasing the animal and come to you, avoiding the dangers they were headed toward.
Another reason why obedience training can keep your dog safe is by preventing them from leaving your yard. It's important for your dog to be trained to stay in the yard, even when you have a fence. Otherwise, they may run off any time the gate is accidentally left open. After being successfully obedience trained, your dog should stay on the right side of the fence, where they'll be safe.
There are classes that can teach your dog how to act when face-to-face with certain types of danger. For example, there are classes that can teach a dog to be fearful of snakes. This can be especially important if you like to enjoy nature with your dog, because you know they won't put themselves in danger by trying to play with a snake they might run across.
Your dog can also learn to only chew its toys instead of many other items, including your cherished belongings. If your dog chews items other than toys, it can pose a health risk. They can cut their mouths or even chew something that can end up causing damage to their intestines.
Your dog will be better behaved in general
Obedience training can also help train your dog to be a better-behaved dog, and this can be important for your family and your belongings as well as for the dog. For example, your dog can learn to go to the bathroom outside instead of in the house. This can prevent your flooring from being damaged and your house from stinking.
Your dog can also be taught not to be destructive, which includes not digging at the floor or the walls when you leave them alone in the house. An untrained dog can cause extensive damage to a home that can make it look horrible and also cost a lot of money to repair.
The basic commands your dog will be taught will all be important in their own ways. Commands such as come, down, sit, stay, and heal are some examples of commands usually taught during obedience training, and they can be important when it comes to getting your dog to behave, keeping control over them, taking them away from home, and more.
Contact a dog training course today to learn more.