Please Stop Talking: 5 Ways To Get Your Dog To Stop Barking

15 December 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Dogs love to bark. It's their way of communicating with the world. Unfortunately, some dogs have more to say than others. If your dog feels the need to communicate all day long – and into the night – it's time to take matters into your own hands. Here are five tricks that will help you teach your dog to speak less and listen more. Keep it Busy If your dog barks all day, it might be due to boredom. Read More 

Emotional Support Dogs For Autistic Children

31 August 2016
 Categories: , Articles

If you have a child who is on the autism spectrum, they might benefit from having a service dog. However, not just any dog will be suitable. Here are answers to some questions you might have about getting a support dog for your child.  How can a dog help my child?  Autism support dogs are trained to be constantly tethered to your child. When your child is with you at the grocery store or when your child goes to school, the dog goes with them. Read More